In an almost New Testament manner, an earlier church we attended had a satellite campus at a winery east of Temecula. The pic above shows the view the gathered believers have during worship. One Sunday, just after the sermon began, a small, yellow-breasted bird flew up to the window, beating his wings trying to get in. Tiring, he flew back to a grapevine branch, rested, then resumed his attempts to enter God's presence. After a few moments he tired, returned to the branch, rested again, only to head to the window.
Honest, this went on at least 20 minutes. Luckily, the sermon was a satellite feed, so the pastor on the screen had no clue about the competition for attention. The bird 's attempts ended just before the sermon did, thankfully, but he returned again during communion, for about 5 minutes more.
What a metaphor for seeking intimacy with God! Do we share that level of commitment? Or do we journey a bit lackadaisically? Do we go with the flow and let God act while we rest? Or do we just sleep in?
The bird suggests we need some level of effort. Jesus agrees. What level is your desire to connect with God in corporate worship? Run that through these verses, "Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7, NLT). Notice the "keep on." Like the bird kept on.
God said the same, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" (Jeremiah 29:13, NIV). I think we can safely assume the bird sought entrance with all his heart.
So where are we? Saved by grace through faith alone, but not a faith that is alone. Do we seek God with all our heart, and keep on seeking? How much do we desire God's presence? How do we shape our lives to enhance that? Or do we allow the busyness of life, the meeting of our own desires, to become barriers to connection? We briefly storm those windows, but get lost in the other demands on our time, and get distracted.
Let me suggest a fast. Think of something that takes time. A meal. Social media. Talk TV or radio. A leisure event. Some activity that could be skipped each day, or even once a week, to storm the windows of heaven. Relentlessly. This doesn’t have to be a forever thing, but try it for a few weeks.
Frankly, I struggle with this post. I love God, but don't see myself trying to break through windows. I get busy. I get tired. I get lazy. Time to strategize a fast. In this Christmas season denoted by the greatest gift of all, perhaps we can give God something we all can do. More of us.
Kick Starting the Application
How satisfied are you with your current connection with God? Do you feel like that bird in relentlessly seeking the presence of God? Why or why not? Will you commit to fasting from something this week that will enhance your pursuit of God?
Oak Mountain Winery, Temecula