Leilani Strong Smith, a very good friend, writer, artist, and educator recently put this painting and text on her blog “Godhead Here in Hiding.”
“Most of the oil paints I use are made from minerals that give the paints its characteristic colors. The child-like thrill I feel when I squeeze the paint from the tube onto the palette is visceral. But my highest joy comes from mixing the bold colors together. I can dull the color or brighten a color, depending on what paints I mix. From the mixing of any two colors many more colors can be made! Sometimes I am surprised by the color produced, and sometimes I can predict what colors will be created.
When I paint, I am reminded that God does not want a mixing of loyalties, or a mixing of allegiances, or a mixing of motives in my heart, mind, and spirit. Mixing is fine for paints. But God is holy and demands holiness from us.”
Leilani nailed the essence of following Jesus: a pure devotion to him. A desire to eliminate all things that rule our lives except God. OK, we all still fail, but unmixed loyalty should be our target, one we get closer to all the time.
Once that happens, though, we followers become mixed—into a patchwork quilt. Different in background. Different in color. Different in shape. Different in personality. Different in so many ways. But solidly united: “There should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it” (1 Corinthians 12:25-26). Our love of Jesus must transcend significant differences, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28). The great truth: a shared love of Jesus overpowers the forces that often divide us.
Pretty radical, isn’t it? And pretty relevant for these times of political and racial division. But that’s the Jesus life!
PS You can follow her insights on her blog at https://www.godheadhereinhiding.com/?fbclid=IwAR3_YabD74UL05DC9gOEmgPwFA3y9VjTJCmmXSx8nHhQFl1ILvKxFmd4fLQ
Kick Starting the Application
Think carefully about allowing God to have preeminence in your life, and how that connects you to other followers, regardless of differences. How will these two principles impact you in our current times? What is one significant act of unity between followers that you can accomplish this week? Will you do it?