Friends with benefits. This common term describes “a friend with whom one has sex without a romantic relationship or commitment” ( But you already knew that, right? And while the term is fairly recent, it’s gone by a number of names for quite some time. I’m sure you already know them. But don’t expect a rant about how wrong it is.
Sometimes we do the same with God. Here’s an example. In our church’s small group Zoom meeting, our leader, Andy Arriola, a dentist in town (and a very good one), mentioned how some of his friends who don’t believe in Jesus have asked him to pray for something in their lives. He gladly does. He’s gracious and loving and likes to bring God into conversations. He cares about people. But it struck him as ironic, that some want to cover all the bases. They don’t think God exists, but just in case…
They have a “give me something God” attitude. IF he exists, and IF he answers prayer, THEN they’ll accept it. Not him, but it. Or, they want benefits from God without even being friends.
Now here is where the post changes direction. It’s easy to point the finger at others, but perhaps we’re already friends with God FOR the benefits. A better life. The right wife. A good job. Health. Healing. That “give me something God” attitude touches all of us.
I think we all know people who left their faith because it didn’t go their way. Many of us struggle with God when he doesn’t deliver what and when we desire. Friends for the benefits. Not enough benefits, no longer a close friend. Or a friend at all.
Maybe we can recast the equation. Rather than friends with benefits, let’s realize that being friends with God IS the primary benefit. At least, Jesus thought so, “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent” (John 17:3). Eternal life. Forever life. Life without limits. Maximum life. All come with being friends with God.
Doesn’t the idea of knowing the majestic, transcendent Creator of the universe far exceed any other desires we might have? Think about how this attitude could change your life.