Well, the votes are in, the count nears an end, and subject to recounts and lawsuits and the Electoral College, we likely have a decision. As my rough estimate, this makes about 1/3 of us exuberant, 1/3 of us angry, and 1/3 OK with it. Feelings still run high, because Christians on both sides felt deeply, finding biblical reasons for their vote. But regardless of how our candidate did, what comes next for…
Read MoreUnderstanding Faith and Trump
Last week’s post, “Understanding Pro-Life and Biden,” had a fine discussion. Some thought I suggested voting for Biden—not at all. The purpose of the post was to help us understand the critical need to understand those with different views on issues that the Bible does not directly address as required…But understanding goes in two directions and…This week I ask those who favor Biden, or disapprove of Trump because they are not the same, to strive to understand why Christians can vote for Trump. Turn about is fair play. Once more, I ask you to understand, not to agree.
Read MoreToday's Great Heresy
Facebook teaches theology, something I never expected. I’ve discovered it delves deep into what it means to follow Jesus. Lest you misinterpret this, please read it as sarcasm. Here’s one theology post, “You can not be a Christian and support Biden because he...” About the time I began to incorporate this into my theology, I came across another, “A Christian can not support Trump because he...” My mind began to…
Read MoreImage from SB Nation
Transcending Political Differences
Honestly, as venomous as current politics have become, they can’t match some of the past. Like 1804, when the sitting Vice President of the US shot and killed the former Secretary of the Treasury. Two other founding fathers, close friends in the Revolution, became bitter enemies, slandering each other far more than we see today. Make no mistake however…
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Trump Immigration Order from Fox News
Love One, Love All
OK, the pic of Trump signing the executive order limiting immigration got your attention. Good. But please don’t view this as a political post, because it examines a foundational principle that undergirds how we stand on a variety of issues, immigration included. And I won’t apologize for deleting any comments on the blog or Facebook that veer onto the political. This topic has too much spiritual importance to become a political weapon, in either direction. So for this blog, I care little ...
Read MoreWhat a Mess!
So, who ya like for President? Or maybe the question should come out as, who ya dislike the least? Which is the lesser of two evils? If I recited all the problems facing our country, this post would grow into a book. But briefly, both candidates have earned a 58% disapproval rating. 75% of Americans don’t approve of our country’s direction. But even worse is...
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