So, who ya like for President? Or maybe the question should come out as, who ya dislike the least? Which is the lesser of two evils?
If I recited all the problems facing our country, this post would grow into a book. But briefly, both candidates have earned a 58% disapproval rating. 75% of Americans don’t approve of our country’s direction. But even worse is the despair that sweeps our country, like the pic above.
Those with a Christian worldview seem to feel this the most, as our country develops a more secular value base that contradicts ours. Even in the midst of Vietnam and Watergate, I’ve never seen this level of fear and disappointment and often anger. And, it’s understandable. And, it’s wrong.
Feeling overwhelmed, discouraged, and pessimistic about the state of the nation reveals a fear that God is being overwhelmed. In his series on Daniel, our pastor covered chapters 7 and 8, where Daniel had two dreams of coming world empires. Empires that warred against God’s people. One, a part of the next empire to come, the Greek, “set itself up to be as great as the Prince of the host (Jesus)…It prospered in everything it did and truth was thrown to the ground” (8:11-12) Next arrives the Roman Empire who “…was waging war against the saints and defeating them” (7:21). God allowed it all to continue.
But that doesn’t end their story, nor ours. God may allow evil to reign temporarily, but he drives the actions of the world, and will not allow that evil to win. The conclusion given to Daniel was “But the saints of the Most High will receive the kingdom and will possess it forever—yes, for ever and ever (7:18).
Nothing going on politically or ethically in our country surprises God. None of it will keep his plan from succeeding. So, while some grief is understandable, we cannot let it discourage nor incapacitate us. Look how Daniel responded to the dreams and the explanations, “I, Daniel, was exhausted and lay ill for several days. Then I got up and went about the king’s business” (8:27).
Can Trump or Hillary surprise God with the damage they may do? Is God too small to work with the world? I think we all know the answers. So, whatever the election determines, let’s cry a bit if we need to, then let’s get to work. Our king’s work. We can trust we’re on the winning side.
Kick Starting the Application
When evaluating a problem, do you tend to let the immediate seem stronger than the long term? Why? Combine all the bad traits of the candidate you dislike the most. How does that sum compare to the wisdom and love and power of God? What most makes you discouraged? How can trust in God help you deal with it? If you realize God is all-knowing and all-wise and all-loving and all-powerful, how will that change your attitudes?