Spiritual Anemia--a Fix

A fellow teacher who struggles with anemia posted this on Facebook, “Why am I so exhausted after only teaching two days? Oh boy.” I understand; I taught also. But a more significant anemia is the spiritual one that so infects American Christianity. We lack energy and motivation for the things of God. We care, but not deeply. We serve, but not joyfully. We give, but not sacrificially.

The antidote may be found in a…

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Moderation in All?

I must admit that Freak Alley in Boise surprised me. Our grandson Josh and his girlfriend Kate led us to this L-shaped alley that featured dozens of paintings on the buildings’ walls. Frankly, some was incomprehensible, except for a pic and quote of Jimi Hendrix that impressed me. But then the one above captivated me: a half empty alcohol bottle laying down, the top half containing positive traits like love, happiness, peace, freedom, and joy. But

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