At about thirteen, when I’d grown enough to be a fishing partner in the rugged Sierras, Dad initiated me into the mysteries of the fine art of pulling trout from mountain streams, a skill his grandfather had passed on to him. Learning from the master, we became fairly competitive on catching both the largest and most. Three years later, I landed a 16-inch rainbow on Oak Creek, huge there. I felt pretty confident until…
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EMT or LEO? A Lesson from Borderline
Young adults enjoying the dancing at College Country night at the Borderline Bar in Thousand Oaks. Several there had survived the Las Vegas shooting just a year before. Then some pops were heard, some thought balloons or doors slamming. But some recognized the source: gunshots. Before the firing ceased, 11 attenders and a sheriff’s deputy lay dead. But, as so often happens, good rose. Here’s one example, and what we can all learn…
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