We navigate a toxic world of easily offended people that includes those who seem to delight in offending and demeaning others. A recent Facebook discussion on this came up with a helpful metaphor on how to tone down some of the discord. Most of us, myself included, tend to think we’re correct and others would benefit by accepting our beliefs and values. So we share them, they resist, and we up the game. We get more strong and loud, they get more resistant, emotions grow and insults fly. Not good, and relationships often fracture. Perhaps we err by…
Read MoreUnderstanding Faith and Trump
Last week’s post, “Understanding Pro-Life and Biden,” had a fine discussion. Some thought I suggested voting for Biden—not at all. The purpose of the post was to help us understand the critical need to understand those with different views on issues that the Bible does not directly address as required…But understanding goes in two directions and…This week I ask those who favor Biden, or disapprove of Trump because they are not the same, to strive to understand why Christians can vote for Trump. Turn about is fair play. Once more, I ask you to understand, not to agree.
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Step Back, Step Up
Last spring while at the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference, I noticed an artist. Her easel set, she’d already begun to paint the flowers about 6 feet away. She paused, looked intently at the flowers, then returned to the canvas. Just a few moments later she stepped up within a foot of them, another pause, then back to painting. One more pause as she moved back 20 feet, then she shifted 5 feet to the right, and returned to her work. Why? She wanted…
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Making God Smile
While working outside a few days ago, an older praise song came on Pandora, and one line echoed in my mind, a line based on the verse, “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD” (Psalm 19:14). Then, during lunch we caught up on the news, with the riot in Charlottesville topping the list. Hateful and vile speech and actions abounded. I wonder if...
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