Funny, how both optimists and pessimists claim they are the realists. Both have truth, and both tend to ignore the other dimension of reality. My pessimism forced me to choose to develop optimism to save my sanity…and perhaps my life. But how do we balance the realism of both troubles and good times?
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The face and name of a one-time date in my single days has faded, but a line she used seared itself into my memory. I mentioned that I wanted to do something, but wasn’t able to. She responded, “My big brother says we all do what we want.” I’ve pondered that, and concluded…
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Fires, Floods, and Evacuations
Along with much of the country, California has been blasted with floods, fires, and evacuations. Likely you’ve seen examples on the evening news. A recent fire in the community next door forced an evacuation of a long time friend, Jim Davis. Here’s his story.
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Know Your Opponent
Once again, a shooter at a school took lives, and commentators and citizens and officials offered their takes on both the causes and solutions. One US Senator weighed in, with one part of wisdom and another of ignorance. Speaking of Santa Fe High School, Ted Cruz said, “This community has seen the face of unmitigated evil.” Yes they did, and we’d all agree. But he then amazed me with…
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Selling Cheap
Back in 8th grade, Sheila’s artistic streak caused her to yearn for colored pencils. The nun who taught at her school, aware of Sheila’s love of colored pencils and that her family couldn’t afford them, tried to bribe her by offering those pencils if she became a nun. Sheila REALLY loved the pencils, but not that much. By the way, to my family and friends who follow the Catholic faith, I don’t mean to imply that is standard church policy. Her self control beat mine...
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It's Dad's Fault
On a solo Sierra trip, to a rarely fished section of Rock Creek well away from most fisherfolk, I spotted a likely spot through the brush that rimmed the wild trout section. I slipped between the willow branches and wild roses, drowned the night crawler a bit without a bite, and carefully backed out, trying not to snag my 9 ft. split bamboo fly rod, or the line, in a vicious branch or rose thorn. But the rod tip struck a branch, the rod flexed and line went all over, taking a good ten minutes to unsnag the mess. Muttering under my breath in frustration, I blamed...
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Born to be Wild, Living Mild
Every choice changes our direction. We examine our options, weigh the cost/benefit ratio, and decide. Yet confidence in the benefit doesn’t eliminate regrets over the cost. A major part of spiritual formation flows from accepting that tension, and not allowing regrets to eat at our soul. Some of my best decisions have had the highest costs, but I don’t want to reset my life. Well, a little. But not enough.
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