Getting into Heaven
source unknown
Not long ago, a very good friend and solid Christian put this meme up, and it struck me…about how badly it misses the essence of following Jesus. The meme’s foundation proclaims that as far as feeding, animals and humans are the same. If we give either food, we make them dependent and they lose self-motivation. Therefore, we treat humans like we treat wild animals: we don’t feed them, we allow them to stand on own. I often hear, they made bad decisions that put them in that condition. They deserve it. But the question, especially at Christmas, does this match reality and Jesus?
First, this is a false analogy, humans and animals differ greatly. Wild animals generally have access to their natural foods, poor humans often do not in our urban culture. But on a deeper level, we qualitatively differ from animals, coming from different stages of creation. God breathed his spirit into humans, not animals. God never told us to make disciples of animals. I love and appreciate them, for most of our marriage we’ve had animals. But humans innately have more value than animals do. We don’t compare.
Second, this is false theology. Examine the greater context of Matthew 25:31-46, about Jesus’ return and eternal judgment. Jesus divided humanity into two groups: those going to heaven or to hell. On what basis? “Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me” (34-36).
The sheep responded they had never done that to Jesus, and he replied, “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me” (40). He told the other group they had not feed him, which they denied, and he again said what we do to the needy we do to Jesus. Why is this so important? How we treat people in need demonstrates that God’s love for all people lives in us. No love, no God, no heaven.
One more step. Jesus gave up his divine prerogatives as deity and came to earth, to save people who didn’t deserve it. We made our choices, we put ourselves into the grip of sin. And Jesus came to save us undeserving sinners.
Yes, we make wise choices in how we meet the needs of people. But may we never compare humans to wild animals as an excuse to not meet their needs that at that time they cannot. That’s what Christmas is all about. Grace. Unmerited favor.
Kick Starting the Application
Have you ever avoided helping a needy person because they made bad choices and put themselves in that position? How will this post make a change in how you touch others as a follower of Jesus who wants to go to heaven?