Too often, my prayers seem to bounce back from the ceiling. Not sure about you, but I’m often left puzzled at how God answers prayers, or doesn’t. I know the cliché: he says yes, no, or later. However, a transcendent God shouldn’t, and can’t, be simplified into a three-option cliché. Maybe we can find more nuances in his responses. Maybe we need to, to better understand both who he is and how he works. What follows isn’t an exhaustive treatment of prayer answers, just what’s been percolating in my mind, some thoughts from scripture and my experience, maybe you can think of more as you expand your concept of him.
1 “Yes, I was waiting for you to ask!” As a loving father, he desires to bless us, “If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!” (Matthew 7:11).
2 “Yes, I’ll meet your need, but here’s something greater.” His blessings often go far beyond our dreams, “(He)is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20).
3 “Yes, but do you REALLY want this?” He wants us to be prepared to face the consequences of what we request, like when the mother John and James asked that they could sit at his right and left in the kingdom. He next asked them, “Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?” (Matthew 20:22). They both led hard lives.
4 “Yes, but this is despite the sin in your life.” None of us act perfectly, and we sin. Although prayer power increases with our faithfulness, “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective” (James 5:16), he also hears the prayers of flawed people. The recent movie “The Jesus Revolution” shows that. If he only used perfect people none of us would do anything.
5 “No, your sin makes me say that.” Think of the verse just above, and I wonder how many of my prayers have been rejected from my minimal righteousness.
6 “No, you’re not ready.” One quick example, I prayed about it and tried to publish a book in my 20s, only to realize I had little worthwhile to say. 20 years later, that prayer was answered.
7 “No, the times aren’t ready.” Even though Jews prayed for a Messiah for 1000s of years, he came “in the fullness of time, or when the times were right, see Galatians 4:4.
8 “No, I have other irons on the fire, a universe to run, and giving you this would interfere with the larger plan.” We need to work within his will, see Romans 8:28.
9 “No, you quit too soon. The time wasn’t right then, but became so. That’s way I told you to pray and keep on praying;” see Matthew 7:7, the verb tense implies “ask and keep on asking.”
10 “Later, trust me for the timing. I know the big picture better than you.” Romans 8:28 again.
11 “Later, Satan is fighting us here,” like he delayed the angel sent to Daniel.
12 “Maybe, but ask again. Pray and keep praying. I want to see the depth of your desire here.” “Ask and it will be given to you,” Matthew 7:7.
13 “Maybe, but I’d like to see more people involved. Let’s see how this develops, this is a complex issue.”
OK, maybe 13 is too many to give a glib or quick answer, but I pray this expands your views.
Kick Starting the Application
How frustrated do you get when your prayers aren’t quickly answered? Do you genuinely and consistently add, “God, you’re God, I’m not. Do what you know is best.”?