Pages Turning

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Looking ahead, my spiritual vision is maybe 20/400. But looking back, it may approach 20/40. Maybe you’ve experienced the same—the past has more clarity than the future. Looking back, I see my bad decisions, my good ones. The times that God has gently nudged me in ways I didn’t comprehend until later. The times he took a figurative 2 x 4 to me. We can all benefit from looking back to gain a better insight into how to follow God.

A life marked by pages turning

many with no backspace key

            some by my choice

            some by others’

            some by time

            some by chance

            some by him

the freedom of childhood

            few responsibilities, just some chores

            days of play

                        of roaming fields and making forts

                        of exhausting the books of the local library

turned by time into the teens

            lessons driven by testosterone

            discovering the joys of young women

            growing strength for sports

            thinking of days yet to come

a new page of adulthood

            responsibilities of paying bills

            ironically more, but restricted, freedom

            yet alone

one page I turned

            with his gentle but firm nudging

            finally a specific way to serve him

that led to a page that ended the aloneness

then another new page of how to serve

            still impacting with words

                        both spoken and written

                        but in new ways

                                    just not in a pulpit

one perhaps penultimate page

            driven by age

            restoring much of the freedom of childhood days

Will more pages turn

            before the ultimate?

The poem explores the surface of changes, the subtext is a verse we all recognize, “He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name” (Psalm 23:3, NLT). Now, I see his guidance each step along the way. Yes, some pages I turned, some he turned, some we turned.

So, my suggestion to you. Write a poem of the pages you and he have turned in your life. Or make a list of the major events that have shaped you. Identify the major turning points. Explore the lessons learned, those yet to be learned and applied. What jumps out at you about you? About him? About the right paths? How has your life, so far, brought honor to him? How might you bring more honor? Really, that’s the goal.