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This wise yet anonymous quote helps me, “Complexity seeks you out. Simplicity must be sought;” I know it’s spot on. The added years merely increase the baggage to carry, in memories, stuff, even friendships to maintain. Our technology gives us tremendous power, but at the cost of having to learn to use the latest innovation or update. Fifty years ago, I knew southern California well, and felt content. Now I’m impacted by Russia invading Ukraine, causing inflation to hike gas prices and confuse the stock market. I need rest.
I rest
in the shadows of your mountains
immense in their presence
immovable in their massiveness
calming my soul
I rest
on your shore
as waves endlessly surge
continually changing yet remaining
softly whispering words of comfort
soothing my soul
I need these
to balance how busy
I’ve allowed my life to become
I need these
I’ve learned some aspects of needed simplicity are beyond my control. I have some ability to reduce tasks, but not all of them. The uncertainty of modern life, with resurrected threats of nuclear war, of butterflies in China flapping their wings only to cause tornados in Kansas, exceeds my abilities. What works, for me, is to realize a greater power exists, one motivated by love, one that doesn’t promise that only blessings will come but no harm, but who does promise he will be with me every step of the way, whose presence helps me get through. One who knows, no, writes, the final end of history.
I see his power reflected in mountains, forged in the center of the earth and forced upward so they can catch the clouds to give life-saving rain.
I see his timelessness with the ocean surging in, thrusting against the shore, eventually grinding boulders into sand.
I’ve learned that simplicity comes from the simple truth, he’s got the whole world in his hands. And those hands have me.
Kick Starting the Application
Do you feel stressed at the complexities of life? How do you deal with them? What role does God’s magnificence and love play, on a practical level, of enhancing simplicity in your life? What tools best help you to trust in him?