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About 2 months ago, our church re-opened with outside worship. That first week in the tent brought me to tears as we sang “All my life you have been faithful, all my life you have been so, so good” with 100s of fellow followers and our family taking up an entire row. This is what we were made for: gathering to praise God with one another. Two weeks ago we moved inside, and God touched me once again.

But I need reminders to focus on what worship is all about to keep me on track, and maybe we all do. I can easily fall into the trap of evaluating worship by what it does for me, and the verse on the meme above helps me, “You alone are the LORD. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you” (Nehemiah 9:6).

A couple of thoughts. At its core, worship acknowledges the ultimate worth of God. He created the universe and gives life. Like Rick Warren began in his classic book The Purpose Driven Life, it’s not about us, but him. Authentic worship seeks first of all to connect with God, to recognize he is faithful and good and has more worth than anything else. That’s the heart of worship, and I particularly need to keep that in mind so I don’t first seek what it brings to me. Worship brings praise to God.

BUT. We do get changed in worship—not because we seek it, but because contact with God transforms us. That first Sunday in the tent, God blasted through my personal concerns and questions and carnality to woo me closer to him. Changes that I’m still processing through, and each week since contributes to that. Honestly, the year without gathered corporate worship had a negative impact on my closeness to God. I thank God we had Zoom, but Zoom cannot substitute for having warm bodies around that sing praises with me, who raise their hands in adoration, the chance to bump fists or elbows in reminders of the hugs that will return.

One last thought, an extension of this. Some of my best worship occurs as I ride the motorcycle alone through the mountains and valleys that shout God’s glory in creation. That’s worship too, as is every moment and method that we express his ultimate worth. But in gathered worship, we feed off one another. We gain the sense we’re not alone. We get blessed, and bless others, as we proclaim our united love of God.

So, worship. Inside or outside, as your church family chooses. On your own when you see a rainbow. Express your gratitude for his worthiness. And then, enjoy the changes he brings you.

Kick Starting the Application

During the last year, how has your worship been? Have you drifted some, or gotten closer? Have you returned to corporate worship? What might keep you from it?

PS Here’s a link for the song I mentioned. It will bless you.