by Pt Reyes
I’ve enjoyed every bike I’ve owned, but my Honda ST1300 topped the list—a sport touring bike that was nimble around town and great on long rides. Carving mountain curves on it always caused a smile. But upon entering my 70s, I realized a less aggressive bike might keep me upright—and alive. Enter the Honda Goldwing above, with unsurpassed comfort and protection from rain and cold and heat. A great bike—except for slow turns.
The loaded weight of 1100 pounds caused me to drop it twice on city streets while moving under 5 mph, a new experience in over 50 years of riding. But last year, heading east outside of Cambria CA on a back road (Cambria pic above), I felt terror for the first time on a bike. Up hill, very sharp turns on a narrow road with a lot of potholes, some traffic, and heading into a sometimes blinding sun. I didn’t trust the bike nor myself, and several times had to stop and let it roll downhill to make a turn. Another back road east of Fort Ross matched that, and I was ready to sell the bike.
Then Jerry, my trusted riding companion and friend since high school, took me aside, and hesitantly and almost apologetically (remember, he’s known me a long time) offered an observation. “Tim, you’re fighting the bike, you’re leaning against it. Try leaning into the turn more.”
Basic biker strategy, given to a guy who loved fast cornering. And was good at it. But not now. So I did some experimenting on the gentle curves of that section. Better.
At Yuba City he went north and I east, heading for Hwy 49 to Truckee. Some sharp curves, some saying 15 mph, and they were…fun. Again! Why? Easy Riter got his groove back, by listening.
Jerry had courage to speak, and I listened, because “Wounds from a friend can be trusted” (Proverbs 27:6).
Yeah, this principle has some caveats. Trust the friend. Trust their insights. Trust they spoke in love. But it is SO nice to have my groove back on a bike. Thanks Jerry!
Kick Starting the Application
How easy is it for you to listen to advice? Why? Might you have some issues with pride, as I do? Do you have some friends close enough to wound you in love? Think about some times a friend cautioned you, you listened, and it worked. What made it function well? If it didn’t work out, what caused that?