God's All-Seeing Eye

Some of us see distances well, but not up close. Others see the opposite. This past June, our Gray Hogs group rode the Sierra passes, and one particularly struck me: Tioga, because it demonstrated our need for multiple perspectives. The pics above show the massive domes of Tioga, and the delicate wildflowers along the road. We best got the sense of the domes and rocks from a distance, and had to get up close to the wildflowers. We tend to be limited to one perspective at a time.

But God sees it from all perspectives: fully, all dimensions, all sides, all the time. And the lesson he taught me doesn’t deal with seeing his glory in nature, but something deeper. A verse jumped into my mind, “The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him” (Proverbs 18:17). Perspectives. We tend to see life through our experiences, our preferences, our values. One perspective—ours. That can limit us.

Sages say every issue has at least three perspectives: mine, yours, and reality. So maybe we’d benefit from seeking more perspectives before deciding, because another may see a perspective we don’t have. Truth is inherently stronger than untruth when presented equally, so we need not fear looking at all sides of an issue. I firmly believe God wants us to expand our perspective, “Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil,” (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22).

Before making a decision, maybe we’d benefit from intentionally and openly seeking out other perspectives. Of asking questions. Of considering what they say. Of holding it up to the lens of God’s word and his heart.

Yes, the Thessalonians command to test everything means we test our beliefs and opinions. Maybe we can develop a better understanding and grow in our knowledge. Maybe we’ll confirm that what we believed before truly is correct. But we will never learn as much as we can if we just stick with our early opinions. Let others question us. Let us question others. Respectfully. Graciously. With a firm yearning to learn more of God’s truth. Bathe it with prayer, that God would lead the process.

After all, none of us know everything.   😉

Kick Starting the Application

How easy is it for you to listen to another’s perspective? Do you consistently test your beliefs to see if you can improve them? Do you use scripture as the primary lens for testing values and beliefs? What change can you make in seeking perspectives to come to a closer knowledge of God’s reality?