Bucket lists typically focus on getting dreams finished near the end of life, but we all have goals and dreams and hopes. Important tasks we desire to do. However, we all face limits that hinder those. It may be physical conditions. Despite my love of playing football, I knew that would never occur in the NFL. Too small to be a linebacker or lineman, too slow for backfield spots. Now, I did play competitive tackle into my mid 40s and flag another decade, but no NFL dreams! Despite our culture’s belief that if we try hard enough we can reach our dreams, reality limits us. The stages of our lives, whether teens or young or middle or senior adults, drive what we can do. The energy of our teens and early 20s gives way to practical wisdom later. At 70, my one time thoughts of being a doctor don’t have great odds! And every decision we make limits some future directions. My proposal to Sheila and her acceptance eliminated all other women from becoming my first wife. Or my last.
So, two suggestions on crafting and yielding dreams and goals. First, make them. Don’t just drift through life. Maybe a bucket list. Mine has one goal: to ride my bike in all 50 states, now just four remain. Will I finish? No clue. My main goal: when I see God directly, to have a smile break out on his face. Prioritize them. And then, act. Today. We have no clue how much time we’ll have.
Second, as you realize a goal might not get met, yield it with grace. Opal’s goal of her unwritten novel becoming a movie likely could have the “probably” deleted. That’s OK. We do our best, and then rest, knowing that God works in the lives of all his followers.
Just be sure God smiles when he sees you face to face. ;)
Kick Starting the Application
Do you have any goals besides getting through life? Why or why not? For your career? Family? God? Have you intentionally prioritized them, to give you the best shot of getting the good ones done? Do you have some practical steps to begin?