After enjoying our backyard waterfall for over a year, some serious tweaking came due. Despite our treating the water, the heat of summer caused a lot of algae to grow in the bottom of the pond, and quite a bit of debris had fallen in, like leaves and dust, slowing down the flow noticeably. And worst of all, when I constructed it, no rocks were placed around the sides of the pond, and the black liner showed. Not many Sierra streams reveal plastic lining. For the first step...
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Last Saturday Sheila and I relaxed at our waterfall with some wine and cheese and chips to celebrate a new book contract. In the midst of kicking back, I had to rise. Some rocks in the fountain had been moved. Honest, none of you would likely have noticed, but I couldn’t miss the change. Likely from raccoons or coyotes or possums or neighboring cats coming by for a drink. The birds bathe there, but their weight wouldn’t move a rock. One shift caused the water...
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One entire day last week my wife and I shopped. For lighting fixtures for our bath and kitchen. Then, afternoon rush hour traffic in north San Diego County added a slow hour to our return. Likely one of the most exciting days of my life. So, to celebrate the joy, we mixed a couple of margaritas and relaxed by our waterfall to go over the day. Soon several birds landed on the fence behind the waterfall, and the count grew to seven. Cautious, wanting a bath, but leery of ...
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