Play Misty For Me

No, the title doesn’t reflect one of Clint Eastwood’s early films, rather James statement that our lives quickly disappear like a mist. Yes, last week had that passage, but let’s revisit one hidden gem. With the passing of each calendar year, I ponder this bit about mist more and more. Maybe you do as well. How do we balance making a spiritual impact on the world if we’re here so briefly, like fog?

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Spiritual Anemia--a Fix

A fellow teacher who struggles with anemia posted this on Facebook, “Why am I so exhausted after only teaching two days? Oh boy.” I understand; I taught also. But a more significant anemia is the spiritual one that so infects American Christianity. We lack energy and motivation for the things of God. We care, but not deeply. We serve, but not joyfully. We give, but not sacrificially.

The antidote may be found in a…

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Transcendence--In All the Wrong Places

One of my closest lifetime friendships was forged in high school and college. Ken and I then both followed Jesus, both left, only I returned. Ken has trekked the world. His innate curiosity and hunger for knowledge has led him to many worship events, in many faiths. During one of our conversations on his yearly trip back to the states, he offered, “Worship is funny. I visit my parents’ evangelical Christian worship, or that of my Muslim friends, and they all look the same.” Ken saw an outer similarity, but missed…

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