Beauty and Variety

Last May one of the most boring stretches of road I’ve ever been on gave a lesson. Jerry and I left Meridian, Idaho, about 8 in the morning, fleeing the sun on I-84. Near Ontario, Oregon, we split, he continuing west on Highway 20 to his home near Salem, me turning south on Highway 395 to my Temecula abode. To be brief, much of 395 in that part of Oregon consists of boring brush. Blah scenery. Mostly straight roads. The bike didn’t match my previous Goldwing for wind protection at 80, so music wasn’t an option. I did outline some Unconventional posts in my mind to write down that evening, like this one. But I got bored and tired and a bit sleepy.


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Jeremiah Johnson

I get tired physically, although I feel fine until I do “too much,” which is much less too much than a year ago. I get tired emotionally from disappointments and the wounds of life. I get tired of not growing in my closeness to God in the same areas. But the film Jeremiah Johnson touched me. Johnson arrived in the trapping era knowing little, but was mentored by an experienced trapper. They met again at the end with a conversation that gave me some tips. Just below, the first two and last two lines are…

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