A Higher Perspective

Over a year ago I flew from San Diego to Anchorage, Alaska for a dear friend’s wedding, with my preferred aisle seat to look below, and I gained a new perspective on much of the country that I’d ridden motorcycles through. I recognized many landmarks, but saw the big picture of our world much better. The higher perspective stunned me frankly, I thought I knew that area pretty well. Then a childhood friend, Susan Munson, shared a post on Facebook about a happy face formed in a forest in Oregon. Here’s the story.

Some time back…

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Seasons and Timings

Compared to our southern California, all arrives early in Idaho, but somewhat irregularly. In mid-September, Sheila and I visited our grandkids there and discovered The Village at Meridian, a small “city” of streets and shops and cafes, centered by a marvelous fountain with hourly shows that synced music with the streams of water and lights. But while sitting at an outdoor table at Bodovino by the fountain, Sheila pointed out what may be even more intriguing. A nearby tree, maybe in the maple family, was already…

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