Most of us enjoy serenity. Yeah, I love the adrenaline rush of hitting 112 in a Lamborghini Gallardo 550 just before a 170-degree turn, or riding 1,080 miles in one day on the bike, but I also need the times to relax, to just sit, to enjoy God’s creation. Today was an example—after awesome worship and a great Mexican lunch, we headed to our winery to chill. This pic shows my wineglass and the view. Serenity. I also love Facebook…
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Making God Smile
While working outside a few days ago, an older praise song came on Pandora, and one line echoed in my mind, a line based on the verse, “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD” (Psalm 19:14). Then, during lunch we caught up on the news, with the riot in Charlottesville topping the list. Hateful and vile speech and actions abounded. I wonder if...
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