The riddle for the day: What do you call a husband and wife when she has a Ph.D. in History, and he's an oncologist? Answer: a paradox. OK, corny and old, but cute. A paradox, in reality, is two contradictory statements when both are true. My preeminent example comes from Jesus as a double paradox, "If you save your life you'll…
Read MoreCelebrate Our Surrender
A paradox is two contradictory statements when both are true. My preeminent example comes from Jesus, "If you save your life you'll lose it, but if you lose it for my sake you'll save it" (Matthew 16:25). But we need to move back to gain a greater context to understand its significance. In verse 21, Jesus proclaimed that he must die, to which Peter protested vigorously. Jesus then called him Satan, a pretty strong accusation, because he relied on a human perspective rather than a godly one. Jesus then gave the mark of a follower...
Before we began
I wondered
could you fill
the voids in my life
change the traits I could not?
I yielded
You did it all
which leads me to believe...
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