We all like options, whether the best flavor of ice cream or which house to buy. Something innate within us resists binary issues, where only two choices exist. Truly, most issues give a variety of options. But sometimes, our choices are binary. One or the other, not both. By their nature. Whether or not we like it. Let’s explore that…
Read MoreThe Evil in Here
Got up this Sunday AM, fried an egg, grabbed my coffee and opened up the AP news on my laptop, to find a random attack at a Detroit area splash pool. A 42 year old man randomly walked up, fired at least 28 rounds, wounding nine with one in critical condition. He calmly left for home, where police soon found him—killed by his own hand.Since 2001, terrorism and random shootings, international and domestic. seem to fill our news. We call that evil, as we should. Yet…
Read MoreImperfect People and a Perfect God
Recently, a good FB friend, Bart, shared that he and his wife are leaving their church. Too many hypocrites, gossips, people who don’t live like Jesus. I get that; many have left churches for similar reasons. But we face a tension. None of us are perfect, as these words written to followers of Jesus affirm, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” (Romans 3:23). So, if we proclaim we follow Jesus and sin, are we hypocrites? If only perfect people are allowed in church, how many of us would qualify? But…
Read MoreFresh Cliches
Fresh clichés. An obvious paradox, right? Maybe not. I wonder about some clichés that often get ignored. Sunday worship as a fresh start on the first day of the week. A chance to get lost in worship, to acknowledge our shortcomings, to gain forgiveness. So true it’s become a cliché. But as a cliché for that, Sunday’s not enough. If I wait until Sunday for refreshing, I can accumulate…
Read MoreAn Impossible Mentor--Challenge 2
I’ve had a slew of mentors in my life, although many likely had no clue. I’d watch preachers who gave me tips as I listened, like Ron Keller. I followed the example of sales people, like Jim in real estate. I’ve found that certain apostles give me tips: Peter who taught me that impulsiveness can both bless and curse us: Paul who showed the rational and planning side of faith. Herb Read taught me the subsurface dimension of pastoring. Each had traits that exceeded my abilities in their arena, but I could see myself coming close to them. But did you notice the absence of one in that list? Jesus. I can’t…
Read MoreAnother Step Beyond
On a family vacation to Gray’s Meadow on Independence Creek, dad took off fishing. A sandwich for lunch in his creel, and mom drove down before dinner to give him a ride back up the slope. My sister was maybe 11, me 12, and we decided to climb the big hill on the other side of the stream. The peak seemed close, but upon arriving we discovered it was maybe 100 yards more. That peak also wasn’t the peak…well, you get the picture. Like the hill and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, many goals are changing targets. Becoming godly is one of them.
Read MoreGod Answers Prayer, But...
Too often, my prayers seem to bounce back from the ceiling. Not sure about you, but I’m often left puzzled at how God answers prayers, or doesn’t. I know the cliché: he says yes, no, or later. However, a transcendent God shouldn’t, and can’t, be simplified into a three-option cliché. Maybe we can find more nuances in his responses. Maybe we need to…
Read MoreRain
Some unusual or difficult events are messages from God. But not all. Some are temptations by Satan. But not all. Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar. Sometimes, rain is just rain. Let’s explore the tension of figuring out how our choice and His sovereignty…
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