Be Careful of What You Ask For

Driving with Dad up Highway 395, along the imposing eastern face of the Sierra Nevada mountains, seeing their peaks piercing the sky, their almost plumb plummet from the crest to the valley floor, and exposed granite, intrigued me. Yeah, “God created it all,” but the how did more than puzzle—it astounded. Some decades later a good friend, Dick Markano, a UCLA geology grad, led a group from our church into the Sierra backcountry, and an unintended geology lesson emerged with my questioning. That tantalized me, and I yearned to take a night course on basic geology. Yet that desire was too far down the priority list to punch through into action.

Then, almost by chance...

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Variety and Differences

On Thursday, toward the end of our group’s 2021 bike ride, Mick and I rode from Grass Valley in the west side of the Sierras to his daughter and son-in-law’s house in Susanville, on the east side. Friday was a family birthday celebration, so that day I took off on a solo ride north on Hwy 139 past Eagle Lake to Alturas and then south on Hwy 395 back to Susanville. That ride provided 135 miles of joy. I left the music off to focus on enjoying the scenery: majestic mountains and lush grassy meadows and high desert, good-sized lakes and dry creek beds. Ponderosa pines and aspen and cedar and pinon pines. Deer and cattle and eagles and hawks and juncos and who knows what else. I apologize for…

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Patience Pays Off

Our Gray Hogs 2021 ride through the Sierras had an unusual end—Jerry realized he had to get home soon (he does this a lot) so he bailed early, and Brad damaged his Goldwing when he hit the back end of a minivan, and his son came over to drive him home in Long Beach. That left just Mick and me heading to see his daughter and son-in-law in Susanville for two nights before heading home ourselves. The first morning Mick suggested…

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You Gave Us

Frankly, our natural world is degrading. Our biker group rode through the spine of California last June, the magnificent Sierra Nevada Mountains. I cried a lot. A natural and understandable reaction to seeing thousands of beautiful forests burned in just the last year. The pic above is just one example. And since our ride, two major holocausts, the Dixie and Caldor fires, and numerous smaller ones continued the devastation Much of that we humans have caused. But is it just…

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