Written in 1971 just a month after I returned to Jesus as Savior and Lord, the piece “Clouds” formed the heart of this post. Fairly compliant, I used to go with the flow. Any ambition came from trying to show I had worth. Then Jesus overwhelmed me as I grasped his value of me. No greater than anyone else, but enough that Jesus would give his life for me. Something, someone, worth giving purpose beyond pleasure to my life. Transformation: Step One.
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A week or so ago, some friends and I got in a discussion about what we know of heaven. Jesus gave us some clues, and we’ve seen some media, like the movie Heaven is for Real and the still bestselling book 90 Minutes in Heaven. I believe in heaven for those who choose to follow Jesus, and want to spend more than 90 minutes there! But I sometimes suspect that focusing too much on eternal life in heaven can distract us from…
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Life. No one gets out alive—at least on the physical level. And we can choose a life of safety and little change like the moon, or go out early in a meteor’s blaze of glory. But most of us live in between, so how do we maximize the time we have in a manner that makes God smile? Let’s explore that.
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Fires, Floods, and Evacuations
Along with much of the country, California has been blasted with floods, fires, and evacuations. Likely you’ve seen examples on the evening news. A recent fire in the community next door forced an evacuation of a long time friend, Jim Davis. Here’s his story.
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