Flawed Irony

About a week ago a FB friend posted, about how learning more made him more aware of how much he didn’t know. As an ornery contrarian, I semi-jokingly responded, “So learning leads to ignorance, right?” Thankfully, he got it, and we’re still friends. At the time though, I didn’t realize I had a similar post planned for this week, so let’s look at another angle of the principle…

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When Life Interrupts

Sometimes, an event, or several together, interrupt the life we’ve crafted, the life we enjoy. Sometimes, one that involves our bodies. One that can bring negative and positive changes. Maybe you can identify. For 75 years, my body has treated me well, much better than I have on occasion done to it. A decent athlete—rarely picked first on choosing teams, but usually second or third. Decent strength—a USC football offensive lineman couldn’t pin me in arm wrestling. Decently healthy and functional, playing competitive football and softball into my late 50s. Riding 1,080 miles on a motorcycle in 16 hours at age 70. Honestly, I felt more pity than empathy for those not with those attributes. Yeah, a sin that I feel no pride about. Then, in a few months, life interrupted with…

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Seek Help

In my pride, I sometimes resist asking for help. But a needed lesson hit me back in the mid-1980s. Sheila and I went to visit her mom in Spearville, Kansas, just east of Dodge City, but with a surprise. Oh, she knew we were coming, but to avoid her worries we somehow forgot to mention we were riding our 1978 Honda Goldwing motorcycle. She saw us pull up out front, and joy and fear both danced across her face. And before the trip ended…

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