An Era Has Ended

Every so often, just for fun, I look back at old posts to see if I still agree with them. Sometimes, they have become even more relevant, as did one of the first “Unconventional” posts from 2014. So, let’s revisit the topic but with a new material, examining how America has become a post-Christian nation, and what it might mean. America was founded with the concept of religious liberty for all, and with…

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The End of an Era?

Funny how one small incident can increase consequences. Just last Friday, a friend, Carol Efaw, posted a link, nominally on the Duck Dynasty discussion. But the author, Gary Alan Taylor, went much further, suggesting that the incident demonstrates we’re now in a post Christian era. With Augustine legalizing Christianity, Taylor says “a cosmic revolution took place resulting in the alignment of the church with the ruling political regime of the day.”

 According to Taylor, and I agree on this, that’s gone. Realistically, those committed to Christian values are becoming a minority influence.

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