Coconut Shrimp or Oatmeal?

 I’ve led a Life Group for about three years for our church, North Coast Church in Temecula, and last spring we had a fine addition, George and Polly White. George is an astrophysicist/mathematician/author/thinker/professor, mentored by one of my favorite writers, Robert Jastrow, and Polly, born and raised in Singapore, is an energetic natural hostess and baker and cook. You need to know that to fully get the rest of the story. Just after the Christmas celebrations, another member, Linda Vaubel, posted on our group text that she had two leftover and untouched cakes for anyone who would like them.

That gave Polly an inspiration, so…

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Giving God Pleasure?

Learning more about God intrigues me: his nature, his heart, and all. Just this week a Facebook discussion explored how God gives us pleasure, which at a minimum means pleasure can be very good. Yes, we can misuse it, but at the core, experiencing pleasure is a grace touch from our Lord. I opened my Online Bible concordance to discover what HE says about it. I found around 80 mentions of mankind and God and pleasure. So being who I am, I…

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