Aspire or Achieve?

Gathered worship touches my soul, regularly. The message that challenges me to a deeper love and connection and obedience. The songs that move my emotions and spirit. Talking to fellow believers to connect with them before and after the worship time. Even the announcements. Honest, because they talk about the body of Christ doing body of Christ stuff. But I struggle, regularly, with some of the song lyrics. Not the volume, not the style, not too much repetition, but the lyrics. Why? They make me sing something as a reality that always isn’t. Just one example…

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Followers Follow Jesus' Words--Challenge 4

None would doubt Morgan’s love of Jesus. His depth of scripture knowledge powered his teaching in an adult Bible study, he served as an elder in an evangelical church, and loved to talk to unbelievers about God. But what began as a casual conversation opened a new dimension. Morgan told of a Hindu friend, a person as full of goodness as he had ever seen. He told Sager of Jesus, but Sager saw no need…he thought he was on the path already. My surprise came when Morgan said he couldn’t imagine a person as good as Sager as not going to heaven. Yes, we had some discussions about that as I…

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Been There, Done That

I enjoy talking about God stuff, with those who follow and who don’t. Among the latter, I’ve often heard, “Been there, done that. I tried Jesus, but it just didn’t work for me.” Sometimes they’d explain why, and a thought came to mind. Not for all, but I know some of them fairly well. Perhaps they hadn’t fully tried Jesus--they just got vaccinated against him.

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