Christians not living like Christians troubles me. OK, I’m more troubled by THIS Christian who doesn’t always act like he should. However, this human affliction applies to us all. But maybe we can do something about it. Over my years of following Jesus, I’ve been intrigued by how many studies indicate a behavioral/faith disconnect by many followers of Jesus. The Christian sociologist George Barna examined how five different faith groups, ranging from active to lukewarm followers to adherents of other faiths to atheists, did on 18 behavioral issues that constitute morality: most groups’ behaviors were…
Read MoreI Know Boats
Some time ago I sat in a harbor-side café, watching the seals cavorting on the docks, the boats bobbing with the gentle waves. Identifying the various styles and types, enjoying their beauty and the functionality. It came to mind that I know boats. But perhaps true knowledge requires something deeper…
Read MoreModeration in All?
I must admit that Freak Alley in Boise surprised me. Our grandson Josh and his girlfriend Kate led us to this L-shaped alley that featured dozens of paintings on the buildings’ walls. Frankly, some was incomprehensible, except for a pic and quote of Jimi Hendrix that impressed me. But then the one above captivated me: a half empty alcohol bottle laying down, the top half containing positive traits like love, happiness, peace, freedom, and joy. But
Read MoreTemecula DMV
Grace and Truth
In the spiritual journey, people tend to slide toward the extremes. Emphasizing grace, that we’re forgiven , regardless, and minimize the truth that faith has a hard edge with consequences. Or emphasizing truth, that what God said matters, that bad choices have consequences. The former run the risk of sloppy agape, the latter lean to legalism and rigidity. Both miss key elements of Jesus. Let’s find how to combine those.
Read MoreModern Morality
Meet Allie, our loved feline who marvelously expresses some modern morality. For years, Sheila adamantly opposed cats being on our bed. Finally, she softened enough to allow Allie on, IF she kept to a pad near the bottom. See pic 2 for a sample. She knows the pad is her pad. But look at the second pic—she went off...
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Somebody's Watching
Just about everyone recognizes the iconic picture “Big Brother is Watching You,” from Orwell’s classic 1984. And while many fear how forms of technology have made this real, let’s keep this human. We’re not as private as we think. Back in college daze, several of us left our homes in Long Beach and headed for Independence Creek, about 300 miles north. In the interest of full disclosure, I had abandoned a relationship with God in my searching, although I still attended church. Mostly social reasons, frankly. So we pulled into a hidden spot...
Read MoreTweak It a Bit
Last Saturday Sheila and I relaxed at our waterfall with some wine and cheese and chips to celebrate a new book contract. In the midst of kicking back, I had to rise. Some rocks in the fountain had been moved. Honest, none of you would likely have noticed, but I couldn’t miss the change. Likely from raccoons or coyotes or possums or neighboring cats coming by for a drink. The birds bathe there, but their weight wouldn’t move a rock. One shift caused the water...
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Demon Faith
Demon Faith--the ultimate oxymoron and insult, perhaps. James, the brother of Jesus, stated that many believe in Jesus without trusting him. The demons do that. Hence, demon faith. In an extended definition of genuine faith, James said, “You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror. How foolish! Can’t you see that faith without good deeds is useless?” (James 2:19-20 NLT, but see verses 14-26). But could we possibly have some elements of demon faith in our lives? Not that our faith is...
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