Been There, Done That

I enjoy talking about God stuff, with those who follow and who don’t. Among the latter, I’ve often heard, “Been there, done that. I tried Jesus, but it just didn’t work for me.” Sometimes they’d explain why, and a thought came to mind. Not for all, but I know some of them fairly well. Perhaps they hadn’t fully tried Jesus--they just got vaccinated against him.

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The Haunting and True Reason for the Season

In the Christmas season, we all heard the songs and the verses that reveal the reason for the season. But Matthew 1:21 gives an encouraging yet haunting purpose, as given by the angel to Mary, “you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Yes, we sin; yes, we need saving. Let’s explore this, because I’ve found that I, and perhaps many more, have an incomplete concept of sin, which can retard our spiritual journey. Let’s start by…

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Consequences of Easter

We’re still in the afterglow of Easter, Good Friday, and Maundy Thursday. But to truly celebrate these, we need to realize the significance of the most neglected day: Maundy Thursday, the Passover meal that Jesus shared with his followers before the spiritual thunderstorm of Friday and Sunday erupted. That meal has become communion, the Lord’s supper, the eucharist: some bread and wine to remind us of Jesus’ sacrifice. But two dear Christian friends, Cecil Murphey and E Wayne Kempton, combined to change my view. First, here’s an…

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