A Time to Slow Down: It Can Save Your Life

For our audacious 2022 East Coast trip of 8,500 miles to add states to our tally, Jerry and I planned to meet on a Sunday in Green River, Utah. From Temecula, Green River lay 690 miles distant, I left Saturday AM for a stop in Salida, Utah. He left his home in the Salem area, spent one night in Idaho, arriving in Green River Saturday afternoon.

I had an hour and half ride to meet him and was eager, so I geared up for a cold morning and hit the road on my Goldwing, maybe exceeding what I recall as an 80 mph speed limit. The Wing just loafed along through the countryside route featuring all green dots, with majestic scenery overlooking Capitol and San Rafael Reefs, where Butch Cassidy and his gang spent some time. I just had to stop and take a few pics. That slowed me down a bit, so…

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