Our perception of God drives our connection with him. View him as legalistic—rules and fear of failing will consume us. View him as gracious—we may take advantage and miss obedience. View him as distant, and we never discover intimacy. Understanding his nature motivated a long search, attempting to determine how he can be personal and immediate and simultaneously present in every cubic centimeter of the universe. Was he…
Read MoreAspire or Achieve?
Gathered worship touches my soul, regularly. The message that challenges me to a deeper love and connection and obedience. The songs that move my emotions and spirit. Talking to fellow believers to connect with them before and after the worship time. Even the announcements. Honest, because they talk about the body of Christ doing body of Christ stuff. But I struggle, regularly, with some of the song lyrics. Not the volume, not the style, not too much repetition, but the lyrics. Why? They make me sing something as a reality that always isn’t. Just one example…
Read MoreStructure?
I’m embarrassed. Deeply. Soon, you’ll see why. Some time back I posted how I got stuck spiritually, couldn’t figure out the cause, then God intervened in a very good Good Friday service. In looking back, I have some glimmers of the source. Know that I tend to…
Read MoreAnticipating Adversity
Toward the end of the often-disastrous 2020, social media got flooded with memes and posts and comments expressing joy that the crappy year would soon end with 2021. That may explain why I so liked the above meme put up by Jeff Boyer. 2021 won’t fully flush out 2020, and some of the crap will continue to need wiping away. The vaccine rollout has started, but slowly; the cases and hospitalizations have reached all time highs. Yes, we’ll likely beat it, but…
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When Less Prayer is More
Prayer. Often, one of the greatest struggles that followers face. A conference leader once asked me to keynote their retreat, and like an idiot I didn’t first ask about the topic—she wanted prayer. Yeah, I still struggle with it. Then a friend’s recent Facebook post sparked a discussion between Leilani Smith and myself. That…
Read MoreMaking Trades
I enjoy making trades. Back in ’78, I swapped a well-used ’73 Honda 750 and a few bucks for a nearly new ’78 Goldwing. The pic above shows an authentic Colt .45 from 1889, that my dad’s brother got in trade for a pocketknife, in about 1925. The Colt has a value of about $2,000—I’m sure the knife got thrown out or lost quite some time ago. A recent and much better trade has made a huge difference in my walking with Jesus...
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No Fear?
The year? 1974. The era? The Watergate frenzy peaked as people wondered if the Nixon presidency could survive the flood of revelations about the break in. Earlier in the day, I finagled a private tour of the Rhode Island State Capitol to see its charter—the first American colony to have full religious liberty, signed by the King of England himself.
As I looked at the charter in a back room, the nearby telex chattered—Nixon scheduled a major address that evening, called Vice President Gerald Ford back to DC, and reportedly would resign. In early evening I rode the Honda into Groton CN not long before the speech, and spotted “The Grotto,” a long, low bar. One that had a TV. Free. A wall separated the dark bar from the entry, so I turned right and peered inside. Kind of a redneck crowd, where a long-haired hippie biker might not be welcome.
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God: Mystery or Certainty?
Our perception of God drives our connection with him. View him as legalistic, and rules and fear of failing will consume us. View him as gracious, and we may take advantage and miss obedience. View him as distant, and we never discover intimacy. That principle of perception motivated a search lasting several years, attempting to determine how he can be personal and immediate and simultaneously present in every cubic centimeter of the universe. Was he just a spirit? A force? An expanded body that combined the physical and spiritual?
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