Imperfect People and a Perfect God

Recently, a good FB friend, Bart, shared that he and his wife are leaving their church. Too many hypocrites, gossips, people who don’t live like Jesus. I get that; many have left churches for similar reasons. But we face a tension. None of us are perfect, as these words written to followers of Jesus affirm, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” (Romans 3:23). So, if we proclaim we follow Jesus and sin, are we hypocrites? If only perfect people are allowed in church, how many of us would qualify? But…

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UnChristlike Christians

Christians not living like Christians troubles me. OK, I’m more troubled by THIS Christian who doesn’t always act like he should. However, this human affliction applies to us all. But maybe we can do something about it. Over my years of following Jesus, I’ve been intrigued by how many studies indicate a behavioral/faith disconnect by many followers of Jesus. The Christian sociologist George Barna examined how five different faith groups, ranging from active to lukewarm followers to adherents of other faiths to atheists, did on 18 behavioral issues that constitute morality: most groups’ behaviors were…

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No Masks!

For over a year now, we’ve battled COVID, with a variety of strategies. One of the more controversial one deals with wearing masks, should we or shouldn’t we? If we’ve been fully vaccinated or not? Yeah, it’s partisan and often judgmental. But perhaps we can use COVID masking, which many of us disagree on, as a metaphor for a deeper spiritual truth. One I suspect we may also disagree on. However, this one…

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