Recently, a good FB friend, Bart, shared that he and his wife are leaving their church. Too many hypocrites, gossips, people who don’t live like Jesus. I get that; many have left churches for similar reasons. But we face a tension. None of us are perfect, as these words written to followers of Jesus affirm, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” (Romans 3:23). So, if we proclaim we follow Jesus and sin, are we hypocrites? If only perfect people are allowed in church, how many of us would qualify? But…
Read MoreUnChristlike Christians
Christians not living like Christians troubles me. OK, I’m more troubled by THIS Christian who doesn’t always act like he should. However, this human affliction applies to us all. But maybe we can do something about it. Over my years of following Jesus, I’ve been intrigued by how many studies indicate a behavioral/faith disconnect by many followers of Jesus. The Christian sociologist George Barna examined how five different faith groups, ranging from active to lukewarm followers to adherents of other faiths to atheists, did on 18 behavioral issues that constitute morality: most groups’ behaviors were…
Read MoreNo Masks!
For over a year now, we’ve battled COVID, with a variety of strategies. One of the more controversial one deals with wearing masks, should we or shouldn’t we? If we’ve been fully vaccinated or not? Yeah, it’s partisan and often judgmental. But perhaps we can use COVID masking, which many of us disagree on, as a metaphor for a deeper spiritual truth. One I suspect we may also disagree on. However, this one…
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Selective Obedience
Last week I made a Facebook post, “Things You Can Do at the Same Time,” discussing that following Jesus’ command to love others as we love ourselves means that we can care for American people and interests and for international people and interests as well. Check it out if you like. A couple of people stressed following the laws of America, and I semi-jokingly asked if they also obeyed all speed laws. One acknowledged he did not, and he wondered if he got stopped if he could ask for asylum! Being a fellow lover of going fast, I said…
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Somebody's Watching
Just about everyone recognizes the iconic picture “Big Brother is Watching You,” from Orwell’s classic 1984. And while many fear how forms of technology have made this real, let’s keep this human. We’re not as private as we think. Back in college daze, several of us left our homes in Long Beach and headed for Independence Creek, about 300 miles north. In the interest of full disclosure, I had abandoned a relationship with God in my searching, although I still attended church. Mostly social reasons, frankly. So we pulled into a hidden spot...
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Revealing that a favorite song comes from the 60s doesn’t necessarily date me as ancient. One of my high school students also loves “I am a Rock” by Simon and Garfunkel--his parents play it all the time. But for years, my theme was the line, “and a rock feels no pain, and an island never cries.”
The safety of being a rock came from my fear of being known, of being rejected or judged, of being hurt or disappointed. So, I played it safe and let few inside. That verged on sliding into hypocrisy—knowingly and intentionally portraying a person I knew I wasn’t. By the way, that’s why many reject following Jesus. Not that we aren’t perfect, but we pretend to be.
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