As we approach Easter, let’s ponder the why. Mel Gibson’s movie “The Passion of the Christ” depicted the physical torment Jesus went through, but I think he missed the bigger point. A broken heart. To prepare your minds and hearts for the weekend as we celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, please read the fresh approach where we examine….
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Relentless Seeking
In an almost New Testament manner, our church has a satellite campus at a winery east of Temecula. The pic above shows the view the gathered believers have during worship. This last Sunday, just after the sermon began, a small, yellow-breasted bird flew up to the window, beating his wings trying to get in. Tiring, he flew back to a grapevine branch, rested, then resumed his attempts to enter God's presence. After a few moments he tired, returned to the branch, rested again, only to head to the window. What a metaphor for seeking intimacy with God! Do we...
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