God Flashes

God shows up in unexpected times and places, if we look for the signs. Here’s one.

Each fall I typically journey to the Sierras. The trout are hungry, getting ready for winter, and bite gladly, not aware of the hidden hook. The cottonwood and aspen are changing colors, rare seen in most parts of CA. The people are scarce, even more rare in California.

Not too far back, one trip featured great fishing, 38 trout in 8 hours on three creeks. The aspen put me in awe, with the most glorious golds and yellows in years. And the people—well, I found more photographers than fisherfolk along the streams. Thankfully…

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God Touches

Decades back, Wayne and I yearned to be the next stellar photo/journalist pair, and headed to Yosemite for material. He’d take the pics; I’d write the copy. You’ve heard of us, right? Yeah, thought so. On the long ride up, Wayne mentioned he saw every scene for its potential picture value. I thought that diminished one’s appreciation of creation’s beauty, so we chewed on it a bit. He didn’t convince me, until…

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