Jesus last words to his followers commanded them to make disciples of all nations. Disciples make disciples. Seems pretty obvious, doesn’t it? But let’s reverse engineer that process by examining how Jesus describes a disciple. We can’t make disciples if we’re unclear about the goal. Remember, the Son of God has the authority to...
Read MoreFollowers Hate Family: Challenge 5
God designed the family as a linchpin of his creation. Adam came first, but didn’t care for the loneliness so God brought Eve to the
dance, so the two could become one. Then he helped Eve conceive a child. Yeah, check out Genesis 4:1. 😉 And in his guidelines for people that we call the Big Ten, honoring your parents took the middle ground, the only one with a promise: of long life. And when some religious leaders tried to avoid honoring their parents, Jesus proclaimed they abandoned the word of God. Families count, so in another challenge to deepen our faith, why did Jesus tell us to hate them?
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