Got up this Sunday AM, fried an egg, grabbed my coffee and opened up the AP news on my laptop, to find a random attack at a Detroit area splash pool. A 42 year old man randomly walked up, fired at least 28 rounds, wounding nine with one in critical condition. He calmly left for home, where police soon found him—killed by his own hand.Since 2001, terrorism and random shootings, international and domestic. seem to fill our news. We call that evil, as we should. Yet…
Read MoreFake News
This post may be my most politically relevant and unyieldingly nonpartisan. Some time back, a commentator, who’s been around since Watergate, expressed that he is more concerned about the future of our country now than at any time in his life. Why? We can’t agree on truth. We don’t seek truth. Partisans, on both sides, decry as “Fake News” anything that doesn’t match what they already want to believe. We accept, as gospel, rumors with no evidence. The divide between left and right grows because…
Read MoreFollowers Follow Jesus' Words--Challenge 4
None would doubt Morgan’s love of Jesus. His depth of scripture knowledge powered his teaching in an adult Bible study, he served as an elder in an evangelical church, and loved to talk to unbelievers about God. But what began as a casual conversation opened a new dimension. Morgan told of a Hindu friend, a person as full of goodness as he had ever seen. He told Sager of Jesus, but Sager saw no need…he thought he was on the path already. My surprise came when Morgan said he couldn’t imagine a person as good as Sager as not going to heaven. Yes, we had some discussions about that as I…
Read MoreStarting Fresh. Again
The cushy beds in the tent trailer at Convict Lake claimed my son-in-law and grandson as I rose alone at early dawn to entice a few trout in the creek. Yes, I caught a few. But better than the rainbows was the reminder of God’s patience. The crisp dry air of mountain mornings brings a unique freshness. Being immersed in God’s creation makes me…
Read MoreOur Aim May Be Off
Many Christians bemoan the direction of our country. Our long-lived moral values, resting mostly on the Judeo-Christian ethic, are disappearing like dust in the wind. To combat that, many followers work politically to pass laws and elect candidates to restore righteousness to our country, with righteous defined as right behavior. How is that working? First, with all this work going back decades, our culture shows little moral restoration. Second, our efforts often alienate…
Read MoreFish by Faith, Not Sight
As you read this post, I’ll likely be on a stream like the one above. So please take a look at the pic. A close one, and focus at the middle of the pool just below the horizontal line of white water, just below the good sized rock. See any trout? Peer closely…
Read MoreGod Touches
Decades back, Wayne and I yearned to be the next stellar photo/journalist pair, and headed to Yosemite for material. He’d take the pics; I’d write the copy. You’ve heard of us, right? Yeah, thought so. On the long ride up, Wayne mentioned he saw every scene for its potential picture value. I thought that diminished one’s appreciation of creation’s beauty, so we chewed on it a bit. He didn’t convince me, until…
Read MoreSex, Lies, and Thieves
I hesitated to share this poem, for it reveals the shallowness of my early experiences with God. I condensed God’s rules to a few I could keep. Mostly. Maybe you do the same. Maybe, like me, you might consider getting deeper with Him.
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