Love All

Back in July, a good friend and fellow pastor Dan DeWitt put up this quote from Dr. Mark Sandlin, and as our 2024 election approaches, it gives a fine reminder of the prime directive of all who follow Jesus. We often describe those on the opposite side of the fence as our enemy, and this comes from both sides. Dr. Mark Sandlin’s conclusion makes the issue pretty simple: people are either our neighbors or our enemies, but both are to be loved. Loving a person doesn’t mean…

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Rain on Them

Last week we examined one of the causes why families and churches and friends get so upset with each other: we primarily try to change people’s behaviors, thinking that living by God’s standards will improve our culture. Yes, it will, but at what cost? We say we want to make disciples, but many nonChristians see it as meddling and turn us off. They become less open to hearing about Jesus. And when Christians attack other Christians over politics…

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