Our politically charged society has a new term: cancel culture. The tipping point of the concept came from differing slants on Confederate war monuments. Some say they glorify treason and should be removed from public display; others say that’s our history and we shouldn’t try to cancel our culture. Let’s not get into the political, because we face a deeper issue of cancel culture in the church—where many cancel core beliefs about following Jesus. Not necessarily intentionally or knowingly, but many times we…
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No Facebook?
Two events recently combined to spark this post. A fellow author, let’s call him Max, wrote a thoughtful article about the effectiveness of engaging in Facebook discussions that often have a hostile, demeaning tone. At the same time, another Facebook friend cautioned her friends that if they “badmouthed” those politicians she favored, she would unfriend them. When asked to clarify bad mouthing, she strongly bad mouthed the other side. Yes, she claims Jesus as Savior and Lord, but missed seeing...
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