Call this a coincidence, call it a divine hint. Frankly, I’m not sure which, although I lean to the latter. But this topic arose twice in one day, both hitting me hard, and the repetition seemed to multiply the impact. At our North Coast Men’s Conference last Saturday, Rickie Jenkins, pastor of Southwest Community Church in Indian Wells, spoke on “The Missing Fruit,” referring to two facets of the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5 that we often ignore. We focus on love and joy, but our energy seems to run out by the time we get to kindness and gentleness. They’re important because they…
Read MoreBad News
Bad news has abounded of late, hasn’t it? COVID: with over one-half million deaths. Political division: where Christians question the faith of fellow followers who disagree on political issues. An armed mob at the Capitol. Immigrant families being separated at the border, still. Persecution for people of faith: with Christians and adherents of other faiths being imprisoned or killed for their beliefs worldwide. A culture that has abandoned a common morality. Hope for a better future seems pretty dim. So how do we respond? Some…
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Upside Down and Backwards
Do you struggle with God's desire that we be righteous, even as you face the reality of your fallenness? I've asked a good friend, Dan DeWitt, to be our guest columnist this week to explore that. I have been wanting to get rid of my lawnmower for several months now. It would cut the grass, but ...
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