This post may be my most politically relevant and unyieldingly nonpartisan. Some time back, a commentator, who’s been around since Watergate, expressed that he is more concerned about the future of our country now than at any time in his life. Why? We can’t agree on truth. We don’t seek truth. Partisans, on both sides, decry as “Fake News” anything that doesn’t match what they already want to believe. We accept, as gospel, rumors with no evidence. The divide between left and right grows because…
Read MoreBreakfast on Rock Creek
A Tale of Two Conversations
Needing regular mountain fixes, I headed up to my beloved Rock Creek: a narrow canyon thrusting into the heart of the Sierras, a nice stream tumbling down the lowest points, the dry land covered with Ponderosa Pines and aspens and meadows and enlivened with blue jays seeking handouts. The pic above shows my breakfast, where our story begins. I had just finished fajitas and eggs and bacon for breakfast and brought out my tablet to work on some poems, Unconventional posts and a book proposal when…
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Making God Smile
While working outside a few days ago, an older praise song came on Pandora, and one line echoed in my mind, a line based on the verse, “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD” (Psalm 19:14). Then, during lunch we caught up on the news, with the riot in Charlottesville topping the list. Hateful and vile speech and actions abounded. I wonder if...
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