Born in Mud and Blood

His parents were alone, far from home and family, and likely delivered their firstborn in a cave that usually sheltered animals. A bloody and muddy process birth can be, as Mary’s water broke and turned the dirt beneath into mud. Yet that suggests a deeper meaning that transcends the glitter of our sanitary manger scenes. Later, near the end of his life on earth, Jesus connected Christmas and Easter…

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The Haunting and True Reason for the Season

In the Christmas season, we all heard the songs and the verses that reveal the reason for the season. But Matthew 1:21 gives an encouraging yet haunting purpose, as given by the angel to Mary, “you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Yes, we sin; yes, we need saving. Let’s explore this, because I’ve found that I, and perhaps many more, have an incomplete concept of sin, which can retard our spiritual journey. Let’s start by…

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Christmas Freedom

Distractions come easy for me, especially this time of year. The joy of picking and giving gifts. The beauty of houses extravagantly lit. The comfort of getting with family so often scattered in needed pursuit of separate lives. Congenial gatherings with friends and coworkers. All so focused on the fun of Christmas that I, at least, sometimes miss deeper truths. Not about the birth of Jesus, the wise men, the shepherds, and all. They get ample attention. But this year, another Christmas thought captivates me…

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Mix Christmas Up a Bit!

We can so easily get into a rut, especially at Christmas. We know what we want, and keep doing it until it becomes a habit, and habits tend to dull our senses. We react automatically. Well, maybe we should mix Xmas up a bit and expand how we celebrate it. Like, with palms as Christmas trees. After all, I don’t remember seeing Douglas Firs in manger scenes. 😉 We had a nice discussion on Facebook about changes…

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