Spiritual Lessons from a Lamboghini
Speed’s Way
Exotics Racing started with some classroom tips on driving our beasts, including that another car would be on the course with us and we could pass or be passed, cornering, paddle shifting, and how a trained instructor would sit side by side telling me what to do…or not do. All was new, and I checked out the competition, who would be fastest? All were younger, by far. This would be my first ride in a true supercar, on a 1.8-mile track with 8 turns. I had dreamed of driving a Lambo for decades, but felt quite intimidated. Certainly didn’t want to embarrass myself.
They told us to take the first two of seven laps slow to adapt to the car and course, and another Lambo had entered the course a lap before me, a newer model with more horsepower. Finally I pulled onto the track, and Megan kept giving tips. The other Lambo approached our rear, as Megan tapped me on the shoulder. Dang, that embarrassed this competitive lover of speed! I slowed, he passed, and pulled well ahead, then Megan whispered, “Go for it.” My speed increased. I started to feel comfortable, then saw the other Lambo just ahead.
To my delight, he slowed and pulled over as I blew past him. I never saw him again.
I reached 112 on the straight that ended in a hairpin, 170-degree turn. Yes. I could do this. I learned to trust myself in a supercar on a tough course, and came out on top.
God’s Way
So, what does it take to trust ourselves on the spiritual track? We’ve read passages like, “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure” (Jeremiah 17:9). They don’t really build much confidence in ourselves, so maybe we need to reassess trust.
We all eventually conclude that our sin nature keeps us from trusting ourselves spiritually. Actually, that’s good. We look for another source of spiritual trust. God smiles when we grasp that, he’s been waiting in the pits with a turbocharger to install. That passage next describes how Paul learned,
“…not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but…the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith. I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection…” (Philippians 3:8-11).
We get Christ in our lives, get covered in the fire suit of God’s righteousness, and possess the same Holy Spirit power that raised Jesus from death. With the Spirit guiding and teaching us, we have the power to resist temptation. We grow into Christlikeness step by step. We have the wisdom to make good choices in life.
And, we can trust ourselves to arrive at the finish line. Not by our innate power, but by Jesus living in us.
Crossing the Finish Line
When did you first realize you didn’t have the ability to trust in yourself spiritually? Have you dealt with that by daily giving God permission to lead and change you? What keeps you from that?